Ponds Flawless White "Love Conquers All"

This is about why ponds product use love as the theme and what the relation ponds pruduct with white and love
"Love Conquers All" ep 1

"Love Conquers All" ep 2


"Love Conquers All" ep 3


"Love Conquers All" ep 4


  Why the theme of love is used to endorse ponds?

Ponds product is used by many teenagers who are experiencing in love, not only for teenegers but  also everyone also has their love story. So, the theme of love is so interesting and easily digested consumers because the love story become feasible for averyone. It can be said that the theme of love is one of the marketing tactics of the product. Faces placing primary physical beauty in attracting the opposite sex and attracted the attention of people aroun. At this age are still a lot of interest men cause by women's beauty possessed by physical, such as white skin, no black spot, no wrinkles and youthful. Can not be deried, every woman wants their skin  looks beatiful. This is what conveyed by ponds in the ad. The ad were formed meaning that white, clean, smooth and soft manicured who make the opposite sex fall in love and it's all because ponds that has helped to make white skin. love belongs everyone, so ponds suggest them to buy this product.

Relevance of love, white and Ponds?

White is pure colour, that means without any colour mixed, so white is clean. Love always give positive effects and make people feels so happy. So, the relevan between love, white in the product which purpose to make skin looks more white, clean, smooth and make the consumens whom using this product confident. 

Name : Prisdawati Sinaga
Class : 1SA10
NPM : 18614531

Team :
  1. Dinar Al-Qodri
  2. Fiorentina
  3. Khalisa Herviani
  4. Prisdawati Sinaga
  5. Reni Qonitah Putri


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