Thai Life Insurance "Silence of Love"

Why the insurance is more effective promoted by this way and using video?

Submitted by a video is easier of people to known what's the point of the ad (Insurance's video). By a video everyone also could access it whenever and wherever. That make more efficient than promoted by spoken or written.


This insurance also used thouching story. Her father is deaf and dumb, he is patienly, dearly and strive to give what his daughter needs, although he is poor. Untill his daugther hate him because of his fault, and attempted suicide. Fortunately, however the condition, insurance save her life. This ad says, when we are in difficulty or inability, the insurace covers their risk. Not only for people who have an adequate amount, you can save your life. 

Promoted by using a video can attract people's attention. Because most of people like watching, and it is easy way.

Name : Prisdawati Sinaga
Class : 1SA10
NPM : 18614531

Team :
1. Dinar Al-Qodri
2. Fiorentina
3. Khalisa Herviani
4. Prisdawati Sinaga
5. Reni Qonitah Putri


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